Wednesday 9 October 2013

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt that PhotoShop and InDesign both coordinate and work together in the creative process of creating a piece of work, such as the magazine. PhotoShop possesses visually creative elements and tools, such as the paintbrush tool of which I used to blur, draw and blend colours and shapes to better suit and sculpt my images. The eraser tool was also heavily relied on, as it was a simple method to shave crooked edges away from my model, and remove unwanted unsteadiness form her outline. Photoshop also allowed me to apply filters and effects to my images that would take tremendous amounts of time and effort without, as well as a complex layer system to ensure that everything stays organised, and more importantly to stop filters and effects leeking onto other layers, of which took me a while to figure out. I was able to edit and correct camera errors, such as blurs or leaves in the wind, as well as small blemishes on my model, such as a piece of food on her teeth (using the colour blend tool). I was also able to alter the vibrancy of my model's eye using 'hue' and 'brightness' filters, of which I needed to cut her eye and paste onto a new layer to do.

I played and experimented with each tool until I knew the basics, and so managed to proceed to edit and sculpt my images before exporting and reimporting them into InDesign. This software allowed me to further experiment with the layout of a magazine, more specifically the contents page, whereby layout and organisation in the form of grids, was a key element to a successful page. The use of rulers assisted me in allignment, and the use of the 'bleed' ability featured on the setup of the page meant that I could prevent irritating white lines around the edges of the page upon printing.

Blogger, I learnt, is a simple to use blog that has allowed the quick upload and almost cloud-like storage method for my work and images. It also saves information periodically to prevent loss, while also meaning that I can use it's potential as a form of 'diary' for my work.

I used Scribd as an online tool to format and add documents to my blog, as they were not compatible otherwise. This also allowed for more interaction on my blog, bringing a whole host of various media forms to my work.

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