Wednesday 9 October 2013

How did you attract/address your audience?

Attraction and Addressing

I attracted my audience through the use of information relating to the 'average' student's interests, such as the "'Tis the season" subheading. The alteration of the words and play with the idea of it nearly being christmas adds an element of playfulness and generally gives across a tone of informality and little seriousness.

The content included revolves around the highest voted desires and preferences of the students of the college, I also placed these titles on the left hand side; this place is likely to be seen on a magazine rack, and so seemed the most appropriate place to attract the consumers. The titles also cover general topics, as some college students won't like the main titles, and so I have tried to make it appeal to everyone. One method of doing this was to mention College specific topics, such as the NCUS cards, or photography trip, or possibly the mention of competitions within the college. These kind of offers are specific to the students likely to buy it, and so make them feel inclusive and special to the magazine. I also noticed that people did not have much in the way of disposable income, and so made sure the pricing of fifty pence was mentioned clearly, as well as a title associated with saving money.

It specifically addresses the students in similar ways; it is informal to retain some form of friendliness with the reader and mentions specific and generalised topics and items associated with people of the college. The layout is also a key factor, for both the magazine and contents page, as the colourful and unique style can relate to potential readers of the magazine. Students may see the artwork, methods or styles used and understand why and how, as well as appreciate the design; most people I  questionned had some form of interest in media or creativity, and so to create my own images and backgrounds seemed appropriate and likely to please, as they are similar to me in interests.

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