Thursday 17 October 2013

Primary Research - Magazine Analysis - Metal Hammer Contents

Contents page

Layout, text and images.

The contents pages feature the standard 3 column layout, with a good balance of pictures and text, donating only 1/6 to the double page spread to Editorials, Artists, marketing, and generally the people involved in the creation. The font for the headings is quite large, with the colour being black to contrast with the white background for good visibility, of which is necessary to attract and convey a message as quickly and succinctly as possible to the reader. The font is also slightly 'abrasive', and looks quite rough to keep the metal tone and mood. The main heading "Times change, metal never does" is an audience specific title concerning metal fans, of which would show the magazine's appreciation and their feelings of loyalty with their fans. This choice of title is excellent for the magazine's general feel; it allows for fans to feel inclusive and respected, as well as showing off the genre's long lasting unity. The colour and thickness of the font is also interesting, as the front cover differs so greatly in style and layout; it features just the band in a black and white scene with little text, though the card cover is meant to convey the whole feel due to it being a special edition. The main title within the contents page is thin, spacious and black to show up and be able to read well, which is very different to the columns of text, further making it stand out. Images are placed in line with columns, and hold a good text-to-picture balance, as well as being labelled with the red accent colour used with the magazine. This allows for ease of use, and lets the reader flick to the pictures that interest them, and will also be unlikely to be randomly chosen and could be very popular with the magazine users, or the magazine may have deemed them as particularly interesting or long sections. We are also shown advertisements and offers at the bottom relating directly to the magazine for an increase in publicity via sharing and presenting the news across platforms to cope and keep up with the ever-growing use of technology. The featured band in this edition is also a key element of the contents page, and so the cover is shown again within the story. The images feature facial expressions, and so are close-up stills with the lighting, gestures and scenes differing between musicians shown, as each has a well known staple look. They are also artists of high status to which people aspire to be like or look up to, with names such as MotorHead being mentioned, and artists from different bands having photos together. Every image is related, or shown, with a page in the magazine, and so holds a lot of meaning and is very interesting or important to be shown on the contents page opposed the dozens of others that were not.


Throughout the contents pages, we are shown an outstanding accent amongst the whites and greys of the background. This accent is so bright and outstanding by contrast that it can highlight the smallest of areas, such as the page numbers. This lets the reader find objects of interest, while helping to brighten up the page, providing function and attractiveness. The colour itself is also quite eye catching, which is why this was chosen opposed to colours what wouldn't fulfil the needs, such as silver or purple.

The background and general colours mentioned while looking at the page consists entirely (apart from some of the images) of black and white. This theme lets text be clear and smart, and is easy to read in the sense that they contrast better than other colours might; a red background with blue text would contrast, but it would be awfully hard to read and generally unpleasant to look at. Apart from page numbers and references, we are also shown red accented advertisements, such as the offers with subscription and details with the 'IPad edition'.

The general theme of the black and red colours enhances the mood of the Metal genre, creating moods of badness, rage, depression, anger and strong expression.

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