Wednesday 18 September 2013

Questionnaire Graphs

   These graphs show the data collected from my Questionnaire in a simple, clear, manageable way that reveals the largest selected option of each question.

     I think I could've used smaller age margins for the first question, as the percentage almost completely filled up on the 15-17 option, which is a far too general age and lacks specifics. However, I do now know the audience's age due to the first Pie-Chart.
     The gender graph clearly shows the fact that I tried to evenly spread the gender of people I questioned, allowing me to analyse a wide and diverse audience and won't reveal any unfair leniencies or bias varieties of answers.
     The Music taste question didn't have any flaws in my opinions, as it allowed the participant to write their own answer, as music taste is a very wide area; A box for them to write a choice allows more freedom and a more accurate and specific answer for something so personal and individual to the person. I was made aware of the fact that 23% of the people favoured pop, and Metal-styled music came a close 2nd, I may feature these two genres mainly if I plan to include music.
     My Monthly media expenses question showed that college students tend to have disposable income on the lower end of the spectrum, 50% of people spending £10 or less on films, music, games, apps etc. per month. This I expected, and I'm happy with the data shown on the graph, as it will let me price the magazine appropriately, as well as also meaning that I could potentially add a section on how to conserve money and get discounts to help the students with leisurely spending.
     I was a little disappointed with the way I had worded the question on Eating out, as it was a '2-part question', and was hard to place into a graph effectively, though I do now know that people tend to attend places of convenience and low cost, such as 'Subway' and 'McDonald's'. No outrageously expensive restaurants popped up in the box-free styled question I chose, revealing that people tend to conserve their money, can't afford to eat out at expensive places, or just choose these places for the take-away convenience and queue-up ordering system.
     The favourite lesson and favourite magazine genre questions displayed data showing the individual's tastes and preferences, and would allow me to better suit the articles and general look of the magazine to suit the audience's tastes, as the graphs I have collected give a clear display of my audience's , Music and Gaming mags seemed to win over the audience. A lot of people said that they attended gigs more than once per month, though more people spent longer than 3 months without attending a gig or live performance, showing that those who do attend gigs will do it regularly, and those who aren't so enthusiastic about the idea will do it rarely. Music was also a popular form of review; People of the college like to hear about newest bands and music released, 46% of people supported this choice.

Questionnaire Grap

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