The one below was a more creative attempt, utilizing cube shapes, as well as a range of colours, which could be used incase the calmer image above is not as appropriate for the theme of the page or area chosen, though it would be considerably harder to apply text due to the many colours and shapes involved.

The pictures to the left and right are both more experimental ideas, combining Hexels and photoshop. The mountain, clouds and glow were all created through Hexels, though the tree and bird were added on a new layer, but were drawn free-hand in the polygon style already shown throughout the style of work I have been creating. The 'Rainbow Pillars' I made to the left were created in Hexels, and the glow was also added inside the software, however I used Photoshop to apply a filter, brightening the colours shown and increasing the glow. I also managed to use Photoshop's eraser tool to clear any random spots or anomalies drifting around in the black space.
These images were experimental, and the program did have potential, however I am unsure if i will incorporate them into my magazine; some where used in the college magazine, but my music magazine has no need for images such as these. However the program does make nice backgrounds, and will be considered greatly for this purpose.